I've Got You, Babe Read online

Page 20

“Yes!” Daisy started to clap. “Start it, Tut.”

  The hay proved comfortable with its flannel sheet covering. A blanket of stars spread overhead in the inky sky, and he had the two most wonderful females on the planet beside him.

  When he hit play, Daisy squealed in delight as Disney’s Tangled filled the canvas screen.

  “I love Tangled!” Daisy put her hand in his.

  The luckiest man alive, Tucker thought. It simply didn’t get any better.

  He didn’t want them to move out. Him and his big mouth.

  Well before the end of the movie, Daisy fell asleep, her head on her mother’s lap. Tucker took advantage to move a little closer and draped his arm over Elisa’s shoulders, brushing a kiss over her hair, behind her ear.

  She lifted her head. “Tuck.”

  His mouth closed over hers. When she parted her lips, his tongue slid inside to dance with hers. Hot, so damn hot. He wanted her so bad he hurt.

  Because of that, he pulled back. There, in the dark of the night, he leaned his forehead against her hair. “I probably shouldn’t have—”

  “This has been one of the best nights I can remember,” Elisa whispered. “And yes, you should have. But I think it’s time for bed.”

  He swallowed hard. Best he let that one alone. Instead, he asked, “You don’t want to see how it turns out for old Flynn and Rapunzel?”

  “I think I’ve got a pretty good idea.”

  “Since Daisy sang along with all the songs, I’m gonna guess you’ve seen this a few times.”

  “And I’m sure we’ll watch it a few more. Don’t you love Maximus?”

  “That horse stole the show.” Tucker took Daisy from Elisa. “I’ll carry her upstairs. You’re sure she’s okay? Want to run her in to see Doc Hawkins tomorrow?”

  “No. We were actually there today. There’s nothing he can do.”

  Elisa tucked her daughter in and dropped a kiss on her cheek. When she turned around, Tucker was gone. She couldn’t fix her daughter; she couldn’t fix Tucker. Why did life have to be so difficult at times, so unfair?

  She moved into her room and got ready for bed, but sleep eluded her. When it did come, it was light and fitful.

  When a small noise woke her, a glance at the bedside clock showed it was only twenty after one. The front door creaked open and she heard Gaven’s borrowed truck spring to life. Despite the wonderful evening she and Tucker had shared, he was out prowling again. It was almost worse now because she knew where he went…and why.

  He’d told her he needed space because he didn’t sleep well. That was an understatement—and one of the reasons she needed to leave.

  * * *

  Tucker let himself back into the house, doing his darnedest to miss the squeaky stair.

  “Is that you, Tucker?” Elisa whispered.

  “Yeah.” He stuck his head in her bedroom door. “You should be sleeping.”

  “So should you.”


  “I don’t think so,” she argued.

  He stepped inside her room and inhaled the scent of woman. “I need to go to my room, sugar.”


  He swallowed hard. “You have to ask? It’s the middle of the night and—”

  “And we’re both wide awake,” she finished.

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “I want you, Lissie, more than I’ve ever wanted anything or anyone.”

  “Then why are you standing way over there?” She rose to her knees, holding out her arms to him. The sheet slid down, revealing her thin cotton nightgown.

  “If I so much as touch you, I won’t be able to leave.”

  “Good. Come touch me,” she whispered. “Please.”

  He closed the door with his foot and moved to her, drawing her into his arms. His lips devoured hers. One hand slid up to cup her head while the other traveled down her back, then up again, brushing the underside of her breast.

  Sweet little sounds escaped her, driving him even crazier.

  “Tuck.” Breathless, she pulled back and slid from the bed. Her gaze met his.

  She hadn’t pulled the drapes and in the moonlight he saw in her big blue eyes the same desire that galloped through him.

  Her forehead against his, she whispered, “I want to be with you tonight.”

  “I can’t promise anything, Lissie.”

  “I don’t want promises. They’re too easy to break. Tonight. That’s all I want.”


  She touched a fingertip to his lips. “Don’t treat me like a porcelain doll, Tucker. I’m a flesh and blood woman, and I need you.”

  “You’re sure?” A part of his brain screamed at him to be quiet and take what she offered. But he had to be certain. This was Lissie.

  “Positive. But—” She chewed her bottom lip.

  “If you have any reservations, this is the time to speak up. You wait much longer, and it’s gonna be hard…” He trailed off. “Bad choice of words there.” His brows rose. “What’s wrong?”

  “You probably noticed the other night that I’m, ah, not very good at this.”

  He frowned. “At what?”

  “At—you know. This. Luke said—”

  “Time to get that man gone, sugar. If you were any better at this, I’d be a dead man.”

  She grabbed the neck of his T-shirt and pulled him to her, kissed him long and deep, their tongues mating.

  “Oh yeah,” he breathed. “You and I are gonna make new memories, sweetheart. Let me tell you what I’m gonna do to you and that hot little body.” He leaned close and whispered into her ear.

  Another taste and he backed her up against the wall, forgot she might break.

  When he caught his breath, he scooped her up and carried her to his room. “I want you in my bed tonight.”

  She was everything he could ever have imagined. Soft, sensual, giving and taking. Their bodies fit perfectly, and Tucker lost himself in her.

  His fingertip traced the small tattoo on her right hip. “What is this?”

  “A phoenix rising. I got it right after my divorce was final. I felt I’d been reborn.”

  “Thank God.” Tucker kissed the tattoo reverently, then made to pull her beneath him.

  “Uh-uh. Suit up first.”

  He fished in the back pocket of the jeans he’d tossed to the side of the bed and withdrew a foil packet. “Got it covered.”

  Elisa sent him an arch look. “Not yet, you don’t.”

  He chuckled. Then, his voice deepening, he asked, “Why don’t you do the honors?” When her hands touched him, he made a low sound in the back of his throat. “You’re killin’ me.”

  Raising her hands above her head, he laced their fingers together. Watching her, he entered slowly. Her eyes widened and a soft, sexy-as-hell smile played over her swollen lips—just before he covered them with his.

  Heat consumed him as she surrendered totally to him. He couldn’t get enough of her, touching, tasting her, and when they came, they came together.

  * * *

  Once he could move again, he drew her to him and closed his eyes. She smelled so good—a mix of spicy and floral. Female. He ran a finger down her spine and smiled when she shivered. His fingertips glided over smooth, soft skin and he dropped a kiss on her shoulder, felt her smile. Gently, he lifted a silky strand of blond hair and rubbed it between his fingertips. He wouldn’t, couldn’t keep her forever, but for now he had her right here in his arms. In his bed.

  She curled into him, her finger tracing over his hip. “Tuck, I need to go back to my room.”


  “If Daisy wakes before me…”

  He sighed. “You’re right.”

  He slipped out of bed and stood looking down at her.

  “You’re naked,
” she said.

  “I am.” In one fluid motion, he scooped her up. “So are you.”

  She squealed. “What are you doing?”

  “I think we both need a shower.” He grabbed a foil packet from the nightstand.

  The water was still cold when he followed her in, but it didn’t bother either of them. Picking up the soap, he lathered every inch of her body, giving extra attention to spots that drew him, rinsing then kissing her now-warm skin.

  She grabbed the soap from him and played and teased till his body couldn’t take it anymore.

  Backing her against the wall, water streaming over them, he suited up. This time he entered her quickly, felt her gasp, her body opening for him.

  Her orgasm came hard and fast, and he was right there with her.

  Oh, this lady wasn’t just good. She excelled.

  It was the SOB she’d been married to who was lacking.

  They took their time drying each other.

  After she went back to her room, Tucker pulled her pillow close. Inhaling her scent, he fell asleep.

  No dreams haunted him.

  Neither of them mentioned their late-night encounter in the morning. If it weren’t for the permanent blush that travelled over Elisa’s face and chest every time she caught his gaze, Tucker might have thought he’d dreamed it.

  He hadn’t.

  He’d been so sure being with her one more time would take away the want. The need. Instead, it had made him hungrier.

  How would he ever keep his hands to himself now that they’d held her again?

  * * *

  Tucker growled at anybody who even looked at him. After he and Brant had words about the way the tools had been put away the day before, Tuck decided to bury himself in supply ordering.

  He was in the middle of double-checking one of the vendor’s sheets when Gaven stepped into the office. “The Charger we’re doing. What was the paint number on that?”

  “I don’t know,” Tucker snapped. “Look it up. You can work a computer, can’t you?”

  “What the hell is wrong with you this morning?”



  “Don’t you have something to do?”

  “Yeah, I do, but I need that paint number. I’ll head to the back room and dig it out of my laptop—far away from your black cloud. Don’t think I want to get caught in the storm when it breaks.”

  “Good. I have work to do.”

  “We’ve already had this talk, Tuck. Work’s not the problem. You have a fight with Elisa?”

  “What? No!”

  Gaven shook his head. “Can’t say I blame her for moving in with Desdemona if you’re like this around her.”

  Tucker’s head snapped up. “How do you know about that?”


  “That she’s moving into the widow’s. I just found out yesterday afternoon.”

  “Small town, Bro. After work, I stopped by Duffy’s Pub for a cold brewski and one of his roast beef sandwiches. Word is Dee-Ann saw Desdemona and Elisa talking in front of the bookstore, then Sheriff Jimmy Don spotted them at her house. Somebody else was picking up a potted plant at Cricket’s flower shop and overheard Desdemona say she’d bought a few things for Daisy’s room and how excited she was to have a child moving into the house. One and one and one adds up to a new residence for the Danvers ladies.”

  “Damn it all to hell.”

  “No secrets in this town, Tuck, but you need to chill. You’re not at war anymore, so get a handle on that temper. Remember how to interact with people. Think about it.” With that, Gaven headed to his laptop.

  Jaw tight, Tucker tossed the file onto his desk.

  He’d made a real mess of things. It wasn’t his fault that Elisa had picked their shop to faint in. It was his fault, though, that he’d let her and her little girl crawl right into his…life. Not heart. Still, their predicament had become very personal.

  What must she be thinking today?

  What had he been thinking? His mother would snatch him bald if she found out—and rightly so. Penny and Neal Wylder had raised their boys better.

  Still, they’d been two consenting adults, both of whom had been without sex for a long time. He’d have liked to salve his conscience by saying they’d both scratched an itch and that was that, but it didn’t wash.

  The worst of it? He couldn’t undo it and he couldn’t fix it. He had nothing to offer her and no promises to make. His well was dry. It had gone dry the day his friends died—while he sat on his thumbs because he’d questioned an order.

  He’d never been so sorry to be right.

  Chapter 18

  The next two days practically flew by, while the nights dragged endlessly.

  Tucker avoided both Elisa and Daisy, leaving for work before they woke and not coming home till they were in bed. It broke Elisa’s heart to see her little girl sit by the window, watching for him, disappointed when he didn’t show.

  The fault was hers. She’d pushed the boundary between them—even after he’d said it wasn’t a good idea. He’d seemed a more than willing participant, but maybe he’d only slept with her again because he felt sorry for her. She felt the blush creep up her neck. Could anything be worse?

  Or maybe she’d disappointed him. She’d warned him she was no good at sex. Afterwards, he’d insisted she’d been wonderful, but if that was true, why was he keeping his distance?

  She’d considered staying up and pressing the issue, but she couldn’t bear to hear him say the words. Couldn’t listen while he told her she hadn’t lived up to expectations. All her life, she’d heard that—from her mother, her father, and Luke. Now Tucker.

  She’d missed the mark. Again.

  * * *

  “Time for you to go home.” Gaven dried his hands, checking again to make sure he’d removed all the day’s grunge from beneath his nails. “What did you do to make her mad?”

  “Who’s mad?”

  “Elisa. Why else would you be hanging around here?” He shot him a hard look. “Tell me you didn’t.”

  “Didn’t what?” Tucker’s voice took on a hostile edge.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?”

  Tucker scowled at him. “That would be filed under none of your business.”

  “Why’d you do that? She’s sick.”

  “No, she’s not. Her blood sugar’s under control. You think I’d mess around with her if she was sick?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Now you’re making me mad, Gaven. You don’t understand.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Gaven cocked an arm on his hip. “I’ve been married, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah, that’s right. For, what? Twenty-four hours?”

  Gaven tipped his head and studied his brother. “You didn’t used to be mean, Tuck. No matter what, you didn’t hurt people.”

  Contrite, Tucker scrubbed his hands over his face. “I’m sorry. Damn. Elisa’s got me tied up in knots. I don’t want her at the house because—” He blew out a huge breath. “Too many reasons to list. But more than that? I don’t want her to leave. But she is. Tonight.”

  “So what are you gonna do about it?”

  “What can I do? I’m no good for her or anybody else. I have nothing to offer.”

  “You’re selling yourself short, Bro.” He flipped off the lights.

  “Hey!” Tucker shouted.

  “Shop’s closed.” Gaven held the door open. “After you.”

  * * *

  When Tucker stepped inside his house, the first thing he spotted was Elisa’s luggage in the hallway. It seemed he’d made it home in time to load her car. Maybe he’d tag along and see her settled at Desdemona’s.

  “Tut?” Daisy shot out of the kitchen and straight into his arms. “Tut!”

bsp; Her mama leaned against the wall, looking feminine and desirable as hell in a soft floral dress. A rosy-pink cardigan added a blush of color to her cheeks.

  When he came home tomorrow, the house would be empty. Dread filled him. Did Elisa understand this move was killing him? Did she realize how important she and Daisy had become to him?

  “Mommy says we gotta go. That we can’t stay here anymore.” Daisy played with his hair, pulling on it, then tapping it flat again. “I’m gonna miss you, Tut.” She buried her face in his shirt.

  A lump formed in his throat. He held Daisy close and looked over her head to her mama, reminding himself that grown men didn’t cry.

  “We were just ready to leave, Tuck.”

  “I’d like to tag along, Lissie. I’d like to meet Desdemona.”

  “But you said—”

  “That I’d run into her at the store,” he said. “Not the same as meeting her or talking with her.”


  At least she and Daisy would still be in Misty Bottoms. That might be both a blessing and a curse.

  “No sense you fighting with your luggage. I’ll stow it in your car, then unload it at your new place.”

  “I can manage, Tuck.”

  “Gonna make this hard, aren’t you?”


  He raised a brow. “Good. I know you can handle the luggage, make breakfast while standing on one foot, and undoubtedly shoot an apple from a tree.” He ignored her look of indignation. “You’re an independent, competent woman. Understood. Here’s the thing. My mama raised all three of her boys to be gentlemen. If I don’t do this for you, I’ll have let her down. You seriously gonna make me lose face with my mama?”

  She chuckled. “Oh, you’re slick.”

  “I can be. When forced.” He jammed a hand in his jeans pocket and hoped like heck she wouldn’t make him beg for a little more time with her and Daisy. And he did want to meet Desdemona and see where his girls were going. He needed to make sure they’d be safe.

  “Far be it from me to ruin your relationship with your mother.”

  “Good.” He put on his best game-face and followed them into town.

  When she parked, he sauntered over to her car.

  “Hi, Tut,” Daisy greeted him from the backseat. From the excitement on her face, a person would have thought they hadn’t seen each other for weeks instead of the ten minutes the drive had taken.